Solar Energy, Most Common Solar Myths and Misconceptions

Solar Myths and Misconceptions

Solar energy has been a hot topic in recent years as more and more people are looking for sustainable and cost-effective ways to power their homes and businesses. However, there are still many misconceptions and myths surrounding solar energy that prevent some people from making the switch. Let’s go deeper into some of the most common solar myths and misconceptions.


Myth #1- Solar panels are too expensive: while it’s true that solar panels can be a significant upfront investment, the cost of solar has decreased dramatically in recent years, making it more accessible to homeowners and businesses. Additionally, there is the incentive of 30% of Federal Tax Credit for installing solar panels and batteries, and Arkansas Net Metering law is one of the best in the country. These two incentives can significantly reduce the initial cost.

Myth #2-Solar panels only work in sunny climates: while it’s true that solar panels are most effective in sunny climates, they can still generate energy on cloudy or overcast days. Additionally, due to the net-metering policy, homeowners will store the excess energy (kWh) produced as credits on the electric bill. Typically, these credits are used or redeemed during times when the sun is not shining.

Myth #3-Solar panels require a lot of maintenance: solar panels are designed to be low-maintenance and can last for 25 years or more with proper care. The good news is that, in the state of Arkansas and Missouri, a routine cleaning is not necessary because these are not desert areas; Therefore, dust and debris won’t build up and block sunlight and reduce the amount of energy generated.

Myth #4-Solar panels are ugly and can decrease the value of a home: SunPower panels are available in a range of styles and colors to match the aesthetics of any home. In fact, research suggests that homes with solar panels tend to sell faster and can add up to 4% to a home’s value.

Misconception #1- Solar panels don’t work at night: while solar panel systems are designed to generate electricity during the daytime, you need to keep in mind that you can draw from the excess energy storage in the Net Metering (as credits) or battery to power your home at night without taking energy from the grid.

Misconception #2-Solar panels are only for environmentally conscious people: while solar energy is certainly a sustainable choice, it is an intelligent financial investment. Many homeowners and businesses install solar panels to reduce their utility bills and take advances of government incentives and rebates. Besides, solar power provides energy independence and less reliant on the grid or utility company.

Misconception #3-Solar energy is a scam: solar power is a legitimate and reliable renewable energy source that has grown in popularity recently. Unfortunately, bad actors and non-professionals are jumping on shady practices because of its popularity.  But how can you identify these imposters and scammers? You need to be aware of these red flags: (1) high-pressure sales tactics and (2) vague descriptions of products, services, and financial plans. It is important to do your research and work with a reputable and established solar company that has been in business for a long time.

Don’t hesitate to go solar because of misleading information from untrusted sources. We highly recommend talking to people who already installed solar panels on their homes and allow us to provide you with a hassle-free solar analysis for your home or business. 

There is nothing to lose, ok! Maybe your dependence on fossil fuels.



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